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  • Redwire to lead Mars imaging study for NASA

Redwire to lead Mars imaging study for NASA

Written by  Wednesday, 22 May 2024 13:19
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Los Angeles CA (SPX) May 22, 2024
Redwire Corporation (NYSE: RDW), a leader in space infrastructure, has been awarded a NASA/JPL contract to study a Redwire-led commercial Mars spacecraft. The project will use Redwire's spacecraft technology to provide surface imagery for industry and government customers, potentially supporting future Mars exploration missions. "This presents an exciting opportunity to advance scientific
Redwire to lead mars imaging study for NASA
by Clarence Oxford
Los Angeles CA (SPX) May 22, 2024

Redwire Corporation (NYSE: RDW), a leader in space infrastructure, has been awarded a NASA/JPL contract to study a Redwire-led commercial Mars spacecraft. The project will use Redwire's spacecraft technology to provide surface imagery for industry and government customers, potentially supporting future Mars exploration missions.

"This presents an exciting opportunity to advance scientific discovery and exploration and we are proud to be recognized as a key commercial partner for future Mars missions," said Adam Biskner, President of Redwire Space Systems. "Our proven spacecraft systems continue to be a critical capability for NASA and commercial missions to any Earth orbit, cislunar, and deep space."

Redwire is developing a commercial services concept using an imaging payload and spacecraft bus to deliver high-resolution imagery for science investigations, hazard assessment, change detection, landing site selection, and surface asset monitoring and planning. The spacecraft bus design is based on Redwire's heritage satellite bus, which has been used for various scientific missions and operated for over 40 years without failure. In partnership with Blue Origin, Redwire also plans to explore using the Blue Ring platform as an Orbital Transfer Vehicle for its spacecraft.

The imaging payload will use Redwire's Argus platform, a proven vision system that has been demonstrated on orbit with multiple upcoming missions to low Earth orbit, geostationary orbit, and the Moon.

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