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  • Satellites for safer seas… and a safer world!

Satellites for safer seas… and a safer world!

Written by  Monday, 08 November 2021 14:00
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Video: 00:02:43

What if the Titanic had help from satellites? Its journey would likely have ended completely differently.

We live in an ever-changing world; the shipping industry still faces the old dangers, but today also encounters risks due to climate change as well as incentives to become greener.

Fortunately ships today have satellite support. Satellites designed for science, weather monitoring, Earth observation, navigation and communication serve our security needs on a daily basis. Not only in the ocean, but worldwide, in any situation.

From fighting organised crime to monitoring climate change. From establishing worldwide food security to ensuring aviation safety. Global challenges

What if the Titanic had help from satellites? Its journey would likely have ended completely differently.

We live in an ever-changing world; the shipping industry still faces the old dangers, but today also encounters risks due to climate change as well as incentives to become greener.

Fortunately ships today have satellite support. Satellites designed for science, weather monitoring, Earth observation, navigation and communication serve our security needs on a daily basis. Not only in the ocean, but worldwide, in any situation.

From fighting organised crime to monitoring climate change. From establishing worldwide food security to ensuring aviation safety. Global challenges are increasing in breadth and diversity and our notion of safety and security has become much broader in recent decades. Space programmes have become key; most risks to our society and economy require space in order to be adequately avoided, mitigated or managed.

Keep an eye out for new webpages coming soon that highlight how space technology is being applied to safety and security applications on Earth.

In the meantime, find out more at esa.int/spaceforearth

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