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of the space industry

Charo Madrigal

Charo Madrigal


Account Details

Charo Madrigal
Charo Madrigal

Profile Overview

Senior Software Engineer
RPA Analyst, Software developer
Astronomy, Science, Yoga, Diving, Study,
04 Oct 1983
Hello, I am a well experienced sotware engineer, with a good background (9 years) in defence industry and 4 years in private sectors, non space related. In the mean time I had the chance yo get my MD Astrophysics and will keep studiying, because I would like to redirect my career to space sector (this is the future)
Mi experience: Web development, DBA, Javascript/Jquery,C#, Robotic Process Automation (Uipath/NICE) Analysis and Architecture, integrating Systems (REST/API)...
I will be pleased if you want more information that I can provide, or if you have any recommentations or advice for me.
Thank you!


Vector ITC Group
27 Mar 2020 - Present
RPA/Software Analyst
RPA development and management
RPA Infrastructure
External developments (web services, web applications)

Orange Spain
17 Sep 2017    -    27 Mar 2020
RPA/Software Analyst
RPA development, management, and infrastructure
Partnership leader and product research
Communication between technologies (API REST, Web Applications)
Software and technical international trainer

28 Mar 2008    -    17 Sep 2017
Software Developer
Software analysis and development for internal military use.
Mobile applications for barcode scanning and storage managements.
Web and Database Systems: Interactive tools for statistical data analysis and situation indicators; item codification and catalogation

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
2016    -    2018
Masters's Degree AstroPhysics
Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology, Astronomical Instrumentation

Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
2003    -    2006
University Degree, Computer Engineering
Software engineering, application development, system, and network management

Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca
2000    -    2003
University Bachelor, Computer Engineering
Technical knowledge in electronics, Operating Systems, Programming Bases

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22 Sep 2020
29 Sep 2020
22 Sep 2020

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