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Georgios Potiriadis

Georgios Potiriadis


Account Details

Georgios Potiriadis
Georgios Potiriadis

Profile Overview

Operation Engineer
Data Services Engineer
21 Jun 1966


01 Apr 2018 - Present
Additional Data Services Engineer
- Coordinate Additional Data Services activities on a day-to-day basis with the support of EUMETSAT operations teams, relevant engineering teams and in coordination with external partners and service providers;
- Define and coordinate the operational interfaces with the external partners and service providers;
- Prepare and maintain operational procedures and documents for the Addi-tional Data Services and the multi-mission EARS regional data service;
- Coordinate the operations of the network of X/L-Band stations used to acquire and process data broadcast by EUMETSAT’s and third party po-lar orbiting satellites in support of the EARS multi-mission data services;
- Plan the operations of the specific-systems supporting Additional Data Services and EARS multi-mission data services with the support of tech-nical teams responsible for their maintenance and evolutions and in coor-dination with external partners and service providers;
- Analyse operations and performance of these systems, including raising and tracking anomalies and operations-related issues, support to anomaly investigation and monitoring of the close out of anomalies;
- Manage the configuration of service and system monitoring tools;
- Define key parameters for monitoring performance of Additional Data Services and the EARS multi-mission data services, monitor performan-ces of services and deliver periodic reports;
- Perform the operational validation of upgrades and new Additional Data Services and EARS multi-mission regional data services;
- Prepare training material and conduct training for the engineers, analysts and controllers teams;
- Support relevant international technical exchanges and definition of standards and best practices for multi-mission regional data services simi-lar to EARS (“Direct Broadcast Network for Near Real-Time Relay of Low Earth Orbit Satellite Data”) in the context of the World Meteorologi-cal Organisation (WMO) and Coordination Group for Meteorological Satellites (CGMS).

01 May 2014    -    31 Mar 2018
S. Dissemination Operations Engineer
Support to routine operations of the dissemination and encryption functions within the EUMETSAT Ground Segments, including performance monitoring and in the case of anomalies, the identification and application of first-line corrective actions.
Support to the operations of data encryption functions in the ground and space segment of EUMETSAT programs.
Control, population and operation of dissemination related databases and configuration files for both in-house and remote systemsSupport to the preparation, validation and maintenance of ground segment operational Procedures.
Support to dissemination services related training of the Control Centre Team.
Support in the analysis and resolution of user enquiries related to dissemination services.
Support to the H/W and S/W configuration of EUMETCast Reception Stations.
Support to the roll-out and validation of new releases of EUMETCast Reception Station S/W packages.
Investigation into system anomalies that impact on the data dissemination services.
Generation of Engineering Change Proposals to improve the operational effectiveness of the encryption and dissemination functions.
Support to design, implementation and verification testing of corrections and improvements.
Support to the validation, verification and roll-out of new releases of dissemination and encryption software.
Coordination of the operational validation of releases and changes affecting the dissemination system. Definition and implementation of dissemination service monitoring and reporting tools, and generation of related reports.
Support to the generation and maintenance of a products database for dissemination administration.
Provision of stand-by and call-out support out of normal working hours.

Hellenic National Meteorological Service - Larissa Regional Meteorological Centre
01 Jun 2010    -    31 May 2014
Head of IT Operations & Support
Responsible for the operations of the integrated Meteorological System, Weather Processing Nodes, Meteorological Satellite Reception Systems (HRPT,, EUMETCAST Network), EARS Services (HRPT Station, PPN), Weather Radar Network, Lightning Detection Network, Automated - Semi Automated Weather Stations in a 24/7 basis. Support the HNMS Message Switching System (MSS) for real time terrestrial data distribution and GTS. Exchange and storage of meteorological data (BUFR, GRIB).
Support more than 400 End Users in a 24/7 basis.
Design and Implementation of Meteorological Supporting Applications and IT infrastructures, Network and Systems Monitoring (Nagios, WhatsUP Gold, EUMETSATs SMART Viewer), Network & Systems Security, Integrating Legacy Applications, Web Server and Email-Server Administration, Symantec Endpoint Protection Administration. Create monitoring and reporting tasks procedures.
Supervise the administrator’s Team (4 persons) and work as a senior administrator (24h call-out support), supervise the Operator’s Team (10 persons)

Hellenic National Meteorological Service
01 Nov 2004    -    31 May 2010
Head Of Satellites & Radar Department
Greek National delegate at EUMETSAT’s STG and STG Operations Working Group,
Responsible for the operation & monitoring of the Hellenic Weather Radar Network, ATHENS EARS HRPT Station (Kavouri), ATHENS HRPT Station, the Hellenic EUMETCAST satellite Network, the Hellenic Lighting Detection Network. Support EARS Services (HRPT Station, PPN).
Network and Systems Monitoring (Nagios, WhatsUP Gold, EUMETSATs SMART Viewer), Network & Systems Security, Integrating Legacy Applications, create monitoring and reporting tasks procedures. Exchange and storage of meteorological data (BUFR, GRIB).
Member of the HNMS Scientific Committee
Design of Weather Radar network expansion
Supervise the administrator’s Team (3 persons) and work as a senior administrator (24h call-out support)

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