...the who's who,
and the what's what 
of the space industry

Profile page

This page is your membership dashbaord showing your memebrship details, articles, blogs, documents, images, forum posts.messages and much more.  The various features are accessed through the profile menu, which is separated into three main areas.

  • Top header
  • Canvas
  • Menu bar


Top Header


Go to profile edit page to update your registration details such as account details, profile, contact info and various other settings manage privacy and features.


List all your connections and the status of any connection requests.


Notifications of connection requests and system messages.


Private messaging service with other members.



Profile header image.

Upload your own image or use one from the gallary


Upload your own photo or use the default avatar.

Registered name

Your registered name and indication of the number connections your have and the number times your profile has been viewed by other members.


Menu Bar


Shows your Name and Username. Alos includes the IP address when you originally registered (this is used for security and spam prevention).

  • Company - Your current company or organisation.
  • Sector – The sector you are currently working within.
  • Current Role – Your generic position role; engineer, snr engineer, researcher, Manager etc
  • Position – Your current job title, i.e. Meteosat Operations Engineer
  • Employer? – states whether you are an employer/recruiter. Used by the system to present job advertising features
  • Date of birth – date of birth (optional)
  • Gender – male/female (optional)
  • Profile – brief bio (optional)
Contact info

Contact details, address, phone, email, website.


Shows the number of articles (such as organisation, project and product entries) you posted and lists them below in the content area. Click on each article to review and edit.


Shows the number of public blogs you have posted on the site and lists them below in the content area. Click on each blog entry to review and edit.

Documents & Images

Create Albums and upload documents and images. Set privacy settings for each document, public, private, connections, connections of connections. Used to upload publications, papers and images that you wish to share with the community. Please ensure that you hold the copyright for nay material you upload.


Displays your posts, favorites and subscriptions on the Agora forum in the content area.

Invites Colleagues Send invitations to your colleagues inviting them to join you at Copernical.com

List  your connections and the status of any connection requests.


Shows all your activity on the site, such as logging in, ceating articles, creating groups etc.


Lists all groups you are a member of and allows you to create new groups. Groups can be public, invite only or private. Groups are used for smaller teams to collaborate and exchange information on projects, technologies and organizational developments and campaigns. Groups allow the upload of files, images and private forums.