...the who's who,
and the what's what 
of the space industry

Groups Menu

Members can create and manage new member empowered common interest groups focused on space subjects, organisations, projects or products.

A Group is a gathering of Copernical members that wish to share content and engage in specific discussions with other members. Each Group has an owner, moderators and user group members. Groups are also characterized by the method used to attract group members.

Groups can be assigned to a group category that has its own landing page and canvas/logo layout.

There are three types of groups "Open", "Apporval" or "Invite".

Open Groups  Can be joined immediately by any member.
Approval Groups Members can reqeust to join and must be approved by owners and moderators before gaining access.
Invite Groups Members can only be admitted by invitation by the group owners.


  • Allows Members to create groups
  • Members can join by request or invitation.
  • Group wall posting
  • Share documents and images and file in folders
  • Schedule events and google maps
  • Group activity notification
  • Group messaging
  • Dedicated group forum with privacy control.

There are three submenus;

Group Categories
Displays all the group categories as a grid. Each category has a category title, category canvas and logo. The number of groups within each category is shown. Click on any category to show a grid of groups contained within the category.
Click on the green “new group” option to create a new group.

All Groups
Displays a grid of “all” groups, a search field is available to filter and identify groups of interest. Each Group block shows a Group title, category, canvas and logo. The Group type; Open, Approval or Invite, is shown and the number of subscribed members is shown.
Click on the green “new group” option to create a new group.

My Groups
Displays a grid of groups that the member has created or joined, a search field is available to filter and identify groups of interest. Each Group block shows a Group title, category, canvas and logo. The Group type; Open, Approval or Invite, is shown and the number of subscribed members is shown.
Click on the green “new group” option to create a new group.