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Over 3,000 Rural Base Stations launched in Africa via Intelsat and AMN collaboration

Written by  Thursday, 16 November 2023 08:18
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Sydney, Australia (SPX) Nov 16, 2023
In a significant development in the telecommunications landscape of Africa, Intelsat, a prominent operator of a vast integrated satellite and terrestrial network, has joined forces with Africa Mobile Networks (AMN) to dramatically expand cellular coverage across the continent. Since their collaboration began in 2018, they have successfully deployed over 3,000 rural base satellite antennas in sev
Over 3,000 Rural Base Stations launched in Africa via Intelsat and AMN collaboration
by Simon Mansfield
Sydney, Australia (SPX) Nov 16, 2023

In a significant development in the telecommunications landscape of Africa, Intelsat, a prominent operator of a vast integrated satellite and terrestrial network, has joined forces with Africa Mobile Networks (AMN) to dramatically expand cellular coverage across the continent. Since their collaboration began in 2018, they have successfully deployed over 3,000 rural base satellite antennas in several African countries, marking a milestone in connecting over 8 million people to new telecommunication services.

AMN, a consortium of companies dedicated to building and maintaining mobile network infrastructure, primarily serves Africa's largest Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). The company has made notable strides in Nigeria, where it now operates more than 1,350 sites. This rapid expansion, which includes the addition of over 450 sites since June 2023, has brought phone and internet services to more than 3.5 million people in Nigerian communities that previously lacked connectivity.

Jean Philippe Gillet, SVP of Global Sales for Networks and Media at Intelsat, expressed the organization's commitment to reducing the digital divide. "Through this commitment to bridging the digital divide, we've made a significant impact and we look forward to furthering our mission of connectivity, ensuring that more communities can access the benefits of telecommunication services," Gillet stated. He highlighted the partnership's goal to make a lasting difference in Africa's digital landscape.

Looking ahead, Intelsat and AMN are gearing up for additional operations in Madagascar, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). In these new markets, AMN is set to construct over 1,340 rural base stations, broadening the scope of their impact.

A key feature of this collaboration is the combination of Intelsat's extensive multi-satellite coverage over Africa with AMN's innovative solar-powered tower solution. This synergy ensures that virtually any community, regardless of location, can now access the educational, social, and economic benefits offered by telecommunication services.

AMN's business model is particularly noteworthy for its focus on connecting communities in economically challenging areas. By reducing both upfront and ongoing equipment costs, AMN makes it feasible to extend cellular services to regions where traditional methods are not viable. The use of satellite technology to provide "backhaul" connectivity to remote cell towers is a cornerstone of this strategy, overcoming the limitations posed by the challenging terrain and location of these areas.

Mike Darcy, CEO of AMN, emphasized the value of their partnership with Intelsat. "Intelsat is a very important partner to AMN. Our strategic partnership has provided essential telecommunication services to 8 million people across Africa, and we look forward to growing that number over the coming years," he remarked.

The collaboration between Intelsat and AMN is a testament to the power of innovative technologies and strategic partnerships in addressing the connectivity challenges faced by rural and underserved communities in Africa. This initiative not only enhances communication but also serves as a catalyst for socio-economic development in these regions, ushering in a new era of digital inclusion.

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